You are Made for More

At Multnomah University, we seek to equip more than just educated graduates—we seek to equip a generation of bold Christ-followers; men and women who hear His calling and respond. 在这里,你会被视为更多. 不仅仅是一个学生,不仅仅是一个运动员,比你想象中你能成为的还要好. 在摩特诺玛,当你发现神要你成为什么样的人时,你会受到鼓励和挑战. You are made for more.


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想知道什么专业适合你? MyMajor评估测验可以提供帮助. It matches your interests, aptitudes, 以及对摩特诺玛大学本科专业的偏好.

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