学生心理咨询 & 健康中心

直接关注心理健康问题, 学生必须联系应急响应服务, 或摩特诺玛县的项目 (503) 988-4888.

办公时间: 周一至周四9:00.m. – 6:00 p.m.


(503) 251-6511


将其人化的, 心理正常人, 当你需要的时候,他们会提供保密的咨询服务. 摩特诺玛的学生咨询 & 健康中心, 你会找到愿意倾听的顾问, 理解, 探索适合你的解决方案.

Our dedication to culturally-responsive counseling means every student will receive the best possible care. We also refer students to trusted mental health professionals and practices for specialized care and concerns beyond our 服务.


如果您想安排预约或获得更多信息, 我们很乐意听到你的消息!

办公时间: 周一至周五| 8:30.m. – 4:30 p.m.


(503) 251-5301

学生成功中心的存在是为了灵活地支持学生, 个性化的方法和帮助学生定义成功,无论是在大学和超越. 我们的工作人员提供学术支持,如安排辅导, 提供时间管理技巧, 协调残疾住宿需求, 以及许多其他以优势为基础的技巧来茁壮成长. Our 工作人员 also 理解s that success isn’t just defined by your academic performance, and are available to advocate for you and support you during your Multnomah experience.


We empower students to find purposeful work where they can be dynamic agents of Christ-like change in the world. We coach career selection that matches your God-given abilities, values, and interests. We’ll help you to find the job that’s right for you by providing helpful career tools and promoting available opportunities for internships and jobs.



残疾资源是学生成功中心的一个功能区. 如果您想安排预约或获得更多信息, 我们很乐意听到你的消息!

办公时间: 周一至周五| 8:30.m. – 4:30 p.m.


(503) 251-5301


残疾的资源 is committed to providing students with disabilities equal access to programs and 服务 on our campus. 我们努力创造一个欢迎残疾学生的环境, 有价值的, 并受到我们社区所有成员的尊重. 我们审核学术申请, 非学术, and residential accommodations due to a dis能力 and makes recommendations as appropriate.


摩特诺玛致力于培养一个环境,每个学生, 任何年龄, 比赛, 国籍, 性别, 社会经济地位, 能力, 或信仰教派属于并且是我们社会的重要组成部分. 与我们的核心价值观一致, 我们的目标是有意发展一个多元化的基督教学术团体. 多样性, 当然, is not an end in itself; rather it is a means to the loft goal of cultivating a healthy educational environment. 教师, 工作人员, and students partner together to develop opportunities to honor diverse voices and perspectives and grow in embracing the full Imago Dei.



The 护理团队 is an interdisciplinary team of university personnel working together to both proactively and responsively care for students at Multnomah. We want Multnomah to be safe for all students and work hard to support the holistic health of the Multnomah Community. 如果你关心一个学生的幸福, 请随时联系护理小组.

联系人: careteam@fulintang.net


If there is an immediate threat to a student (either through self-harm or interpersonal violence) or the community, 请打电话给 911 然后通知校园安全 (503) 251-6499.

如果你认为一个学生需要立即的心理帮助, 你可以拨打摩特诺玛县危机热线
at (503) 988-4888.


Veterans 资源 work with the guidance and care of the 多元化和包容性发展 Department. We realize that Veterans have unique needs and we seek to help them find a home in our community of care.

欲了解更多 退伍军人福利,请联络 司法常务官办公室.

We recognize that Veterans often struggle to find a community that 理解s them and their unique needs. Many Veterans are also non-traditional students that are older with jobs and/or families. 在摩特诺玛大学, we seek to foster a community for our military veterans while providing access to resources, 服务, 教育福利, 以及整个校园的联系.

The Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is a dedicated place on the Portland campus designed to support student-veterans. 与其他学生退伍军人联系, 满足, 研究, or just relax in our dedicated space focused on providing veterans a place to call their own.


办公时间: 周一至周五|上午8:00.m. – 5:00 p.m.


(503) 251-5311

学生生活深切关注你作为一名学生的幸福和成功. 当你追求主的时候,我们提供以基督为中心的支持, 投资社区, 顺利完成大学学业. 无论你是新生还是返校学生, 本科生或研究生, 通勤或住宿学生, 学生生活团队会在这里陪伴你的每一步.


Our 学生支援小组 are committed to serving our students by providing a safe environment, 资源和信息, 学术诚信, 健康的饮食, 和技术. 了解更多欧宝娱乐官网校园安全与预防的信息, 图书馆服务, 书记官长办公室, 食品服务, 及学生帐户.


对于任何安全紧急情况或担忧, 你可能会经历, 发短信或致电校园安全办公室 (503) 251-6499.


The safety of our students isn’t just a priority—it’s the first priority at Multnomah. 我们的安全人员一天24小时值班, 一周7天, 一年365天,确保每一个学生的安全. 我们的安全人员由俄勒冈州公共安全部颁发执照, and their dedication to a holistic and culturally-sensitive approach to campus safety has offers Multnomah students confidence and peace of mind.


The 司法常务官办公室 is your destination for everything from detailed course information to guidance on the best classes to take for your degree—or for your own curiosity—to the most technical details about your student records.



Whether you need a quiet place to 研究 or are looking for a text to help you with your research project, Mitchell 图书馆 is where Multnomah students get work done—and where we curl up with a good book.



Every meal here is more than a necessary step in a day– it’s a chance to connect over conversation and to expand your horizons, 与所有口味的烹饪选择. 每个星期, The Mane Hall offers a themed dinner—a unique opportunity to gather with the entire Multnomah community. 别忘了罗杰的咖啡馆, where just about everyone at Multnomah catches up with friends over food favorites and a delicious cup of coffee.


学生会计办公室与财务援助小组合作. The 学生账户 team can answer any questions you have about paying for school. They will help you set up payment plans and processes your online and mail payments.



我们很高兴你能加入摩特诺玛社区. 我们知道在你开始你的冒险之前还有很多事情要做, 因此,我们编译了一些资源来帮助您开始.